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Ships Planner jobs

​The Ships Planner is a very important role within the Shipping Industry as this role is critical to the discharging and loading of containers. Planning a career within Shipping will guarantee you with a job that is constantly varied and challenging.

There are always Ships Planner job vacancies available in worldwide locations offering you the opportunity to travel throughout your career. This amazingly varied job, involves the coordination and facilitation of both incoming and outgoing cargo shipments.

What does a Ships Planner job description include?

  • The principle role of the Ships Planner is to plan for the discharging and loading of containers for vessels to ensure the efficient and cost-effective operation of vessels.
  • Cargo comes in all shapes and sizes as well as carrying varying degrees of risk. As the Ships Planner, it will be your job to make sure each shipment is handled in the correct way, this will include calculating weight, making sure cranes are in the right place at the right time and that containers fit easily into each shipment.
  • As the Ships Planner your will also usually run or be heavily involved in the container yard which will require you ensure high risk or dangerous cargos are handled correctly.
  • A key requirement of your job will be to have a full understanding of vessel stability and safety requirements during loading and unloading of cargo.
  • The Ships Planner will liaise with clients to obtain stowage information and vessel layout as early as possible so that planning can take place in a timely and efficient manner.
  • The Ships Planner is also responsible for ensuring that all containers bound for discharge and loading have all necessary travel plans and exception lists submitted to the Vessel Chief on completion of vessel operations as well as dealing with all COD, OMG and IMO requests.

Key skills and qualifications of a Ships Planner:

  • Ships Planners are generally degree educated with at least a minimum of 2 years experience in the Maritime Sector. You may have previously worked as a central planner before moving to a senior planner and then into management positions.
  • As you will be working closely with other people, you must be able to work in a team as well as autonomously. The Ships Planner is a key role and therefore being able to work and get along with people from all walks of life is really important.
  • Strong communication and negotiation skills are needed as well as the ability to work to tight deadlines and under pressure in sometime difficult conditions.
  • A Ships Planner is typically analytical with strong organisational skills.
  • You must be familiar with all industry standard software related to the role of Ships Planner as well as be familiar with the Microsoft Office Suite.

How to find more Ships Planner jobs within the Shipping & Logistics Industry:

To find more Ships Planning jobs or other jobs within this sector, or to place a vacancy, please contact us.

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