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Ships Operator jobs

The Ships Operator is a technical management position within a shipping company. The role of the Ships Operator is to ensure that all technical tasks in relation to the operation of a vessel are performed in accordance with the company’s procedures.

A Ship or Vessel Operator job offers the successful applicant the opportunity to develop a rewarding career within Maritime. The principal role of the Ship or Vessel Operator is to plan the voyage of the ship, arrange slings and consumables as well as appointing and instructing agents and stevedores.

This job is very varied and usually reports to the Operations Manager or Director. A Ship or Vessel Operator works as part of a team and so it is important to be a good communicator and negotiator.

What does a Ship or Vessel Operator job description include?

  • The job of Ship or Vessel Operator usually manages the operations with a trade group or group, instructing vessels, agents, contractors and stevedores on a daily basis.
  • The Ship or Vessel Operator plans the voyage of the vessel in association with the Vessel Operations Manager. 
  • The Ship or Vessel Operator is usually also responsible for arranging payment of proforma DA’s and cash to Master’s requests and conduct port reviews and appoint vessel agency.
  • You will be required to prepare reports on productivity and make plans to resolve any issues and improve productivity.
  • The Ship or Vessel Operator participates in meetings with stevedores and agents.
  • The Ship or Vessel Operator is usually responsible for Bills of Lading, manifests and provision of Letters of Indemnity.
  • The Ship or Vessel Operator may also be required to assist the Line Manager with enquiries, gathering any information requested. 

Key skills and qualifications of a Ship or Vessel Operator:

  • The ideal candidate will be educated to degree level and/or will hold a recognised Maritime qualification suitable for the job of Ship or Vessel Operator.
  • A Ship or Vessel Operator needs to be a good communicator both verbally and in written format. Attention to details is also a key skill requirement for this job.
  • Previous experience is desirable, but being able to demonstrate commercial awareness and experience in similar position may be sufficient.
  • You must be capable of supervising and training of new Ship or Vessel Operators.
  • A Ship or Vessel Operator must be a team player.
  • You must be able to work with Microsoft Windows, Excel etc.

How to find more Ship or Vessel jobs within the Maritime Industry:

To find more Ship or Vessel jobs or other Maritime jobs within this sector, or to place a vacancy, please contact us.​

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